Working in team with Daniel Buxton and Phil Revell, we develop this tiled illustration style that not only allowed to tell different stories for different LoB’s (HR, IT, Engineering, Sales…) but also a system which works at speed -
we had over 40 pieces of content to role out in just 3 months. We finally create an illustration guideline with simple but efficient rules. Every illustrations are build on the same grid and are made of tiles. Each ones can be either
a figuratives icon, a textured or an abstract shape.
The illustration has two reading levels, the main global illustration that you spot at first and then what’s happening inside it.

Human Ressources Department

Each department has a proper icon library and also a specific elements which is linked to its own world.
For example on the IT illustrations, we’ve added some wires to connect the tiles all together and to reflect the world of IT.
For example on the IT illustrations, we’ve added some wires to connect the tiles all together and to reflect the world of IT.
IT Department


Layout, website, gifs and other using of the illustrations :

Client : Slack
Agency : Velocity Partners
Design director : Daniel Buxton
Creative team : Phil Revell, Matt Horsnell, Scott Madill,
David Leach, Edu Escanho
Year : 2019